CaretPosition.js 10.7 KB
 * CaretPosition.js
 * Released under LGPL License.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved
 * License:
 * Contributing:

 * This module contains logic for creating caret positions within a document a caretposition
 * is similar to a DOMRange object but it doesn't have two endpoints and is also more lightweight
 * since it's now updated live when the DOM changes.
 * @private
 * @class tinymce.caret.CaretPosition
 * @example
 * var caretPos1 = new CaretPosition(container, offset);
 * var caretPos2 = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(someRange);
define("tinymce/caret/CaretPosition", [
], function(Fun, NodeType, DOMUtils, RangeUtils, CaretCandidate, ClientRect, ExtendingChar) {
	var isElement = NodeType.isElement,
		isCaretCandidate = CaretCandidate.isCaretCandidate,
		isBlock = NodeType.matchStyleValues('display', 'block table'),
		isFloated = NodeType.matchStyleValues('float', 'left right'),
		isValidElementCaretCandidate = Fun.and(isElement, isCaretCandidate, Fun.negate(isFloated)),
		isNotPre = Fun.negate(NodeType.matchStyleValues('white-space', 'pre pre-line pre-wrap')),
		isText = NodeType.isText,
		isBr = NodeType.isBr,
		nodeIndex = DOMUtils.nodeIndex,
		resolveIndex = RangeUtils.getNode;

	function createRange(doc) {
		return "createRange" in doc ? doc.createRange() : DOMUtils.DOM.createRng();

	function isWhiteSpace(chr) {
		return chr && /[\r\n\t ]/.test(chr);

	function isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange(range) {
		var container = range.startContainer,
			offset = range.startOffset,

		if (isWhiteSpace(range.toString()) && isNotPre(container.parentNode)) {
			text =;

			if (isWhiteSpace(text[offset - 1]) || isWhiteSpace(text[offset + 1])) {
				return true;

		return false;

	function getCaretPositionClientRects(caretPosition) {
		var clientRects = [], beforeNode, node;

		// Hack for older WebKit versions that doesn't
		// support getBoundingClientRect on BR elements
		function getBrClientRect(brNode) {
			var doc = brNode.ownerDocument,
				rng = createRange(doc),
				nbsp = doc.createTextNode('\u00a0'),
				parentNode = brNode.parentNode,

			parentNode.insertBefore(nbsp, brNode);
			rng.setStart(nbsp, 0);
			rng.setEnd(nbsp, 1);
			clientRect = ClientRect.clone(rng.getBoundingClientRect());

			return clientRect;

		function getBoundingClientRect(item) {
			var clientRect, clientRects;

			clientRects = item.getClientRects();
			if (clientRects.length > 0) {
				clientRect = ClientRect.clone(clientRects[0]);
			} else {
				clientRect = ClientRect.clone(item.getBoundingClientRect());

			if (isBr(item) && clientRect.left === 0) {
				return getBrClientRect(item);

			return clientRect;

		function collapseAndInflateWidth(clientRect, toStart) {
			clientRect = ClientRect.collapse(clientRect, toStart);
			clientRect.width = 1;
			clientRect.right = clientRect.left + 1;

			return clientRect;

		function addUniqueAndValidRect(clientRect) {
			if (clientRect.height === 0) {

			if (clientRects.length > 0) {
				if (ClientRect.isEqual(clientRect, clientRects[clientRects.length - 1])) {


		function addCharacterOffset(container, offset) {
			var range = createRange(container.ownerDocument);

			if (offset < {
				if (ExtendingChar.isExtendingChar([offset])) {
					return clientRects;

				// WebKit returns two client rects for a position after an extending
				// character a\uxxx|b so expand on "b" and collapse to start of "b" box
				if (ExtendingChar.isExtendingChar([offset - 1])) {
					range.setStart(container, offset);
					range.setEnd(container, offset + 1);

					if (!isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange(range)) {
						addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect(range), false));
						return clientRects;

			if (offset > 0) {
				range.setStart(container, offset - 1);
				range.setEnd(container, offset);

				if (!isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange(range)) {
					addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect(range), false));

			if (offset < {
				range.setStart(container, offset);
				range.setEnd(container, offset + 1);

				if (!isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange(range)) {
					addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect(range), true));

		if (isText(caretPosition.container())) {
			addCharacterOffset(caretPosition.container(), caretPosition.offset());
			return clientRects;

		if (isElement(caretPosition.container())) {
			if (caretPosition.isAtEnd()) {
				node = resolveIndex(caretPosition.container(), caretPosition.offset());
				if (isText(node)) {

				if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(node) && !isBr(node)) {
					addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect(node), false));
			} else {
				node = resolveIndex(caretPosition.container(), caretPosition.offset());
				if (isText(node)) {
					addCharacterOffset(node, 0);

				if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(node) && caretPosition.isAtEnd()) {
					addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect(node), false));
					return clientRects;

				beforeNode = resolveIndex(caretPosition.container(), caretPosition.offset() - 1);
				if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(beforeNode) && !isBr(beforeNode)) {
					if (isBlock(beforeNode) || isBlock(node) || !isValidElementCaretCandidate(node)) {
						addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect(beforeNode), false));

				if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(node)) {
					addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect(node), true));

		return clientRects;

	 * Represents a location within the document by a container and an offset.
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {Node} container Container node.
	 * @param {Number} offset Offset within that container node.
	 * @param {Array} clientRects Optional client rects array for the position.
	function CaretPosition(container, offset, clientRects) {
		function isAtStart() {
			if (isText(container)) {
				return offset === 0;

			return offset === 0;

		function isAtEnd() {
			if (isText(container)) {
				return offset >=;

			return offset >= container.childNodes.length;

		function toRange() {
			var range;

			range = createRange(container.ownerDocument);
			range.setStart(container, offset);
			range.setEnd(container, offset);

			return range;

		function getClientRects() {
			if (!clientRects) {
				clientRects = getCaretPositionClientRects(new CaretPosition(container, offset));

			return clientRects;

		function isVisible() {
			return getClientRects().length > 0;

		function isEqual(caretPosition) {
			return caretPosition && container === caretPosition.container() && offset === caretPosition.offset();

		function getNode(before) {
			return resolveIndex(container, before ? offset - 1 : offset);

		return {
			 * Returns the container node.
			 * @method container
			 * @return {Node} Container node.
			container: Fun.constant(container),

			 * Returns the offset within the container node.
			 * @method offset
			 * @return {Number} Offset within the container node.
			offset: Fun.constant(offset),

			 * Returns a range out of a the caret position.
			 * @method toRange
			 * @return {DOMRange} range for the caret position.
			toRange: toRange,

			 * Returns the client rects for the caret position. Might be multiple rects between
			 * block elements.
			 * @method getClientRects
			 * @return {Array} Array of client rects.
			getClientRects: getClientRects,

			 * Returns true if the caret location is visible/displayed on screen.
			 * @method isVisible
			 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the position is visible or not.
			isVisible: isVisible,

			 * Returns true if the caret location is at the beginning of text node or container.
			 * @method isVisible
			 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the position is at the beginning.
			isAtStart: isAtStart,

			 * Returns true if the caret location is at the end of text node or container.
			 * @method isVisible
			 * @return {Boolean} true/false if the position is at the end.
			isAtEnd: isAtEnd,

			 * Compares the caret position to another caret position. This will only compare the
			 * container and offset not it's visual position.
			 * @method isEqual
			 * @param {tinymce.caret.CaretPosition} caretPosition Caret position to compare with.
			 * @return {Boolean} true if the caret positions are equal.
			isEqual: isEqual,

			 * Returns the closest resolved node from a node index. That means if you have an offset after the
			 * last node in a container it will return that last node.
			 * @method getNode
			 * @return {Node} Node that is closest to the index.
			getNode: getNode

	 * Creates a caret position from the start of a range.
	 * @method fromRangeStart
	 * @param {DOMRange} range DOM Range to create caret position from.
	 * @return {tinymce.caret.CaretPosition} Caret position from the start of DOM range.
	CaretPosition.fromRangeStart = function(range) {
		return new CaretPosition(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);

	 * Creates a caret position from the end of a range.
	 * @method fromRangeEnd
	 * @param {DOMRange} range DOM Range to create caret position from.
	 * @return {tinymce.caret.CaretPosition} Caret position from the end of DOM range.
	CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd = function(range) {
		return new CaretPosition(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);

	 * Creates a caret position from a node and places the offset after it.
	 * @method after
	 * @param {Node} node Node to get caret position from.
	 * @return {tinymce.caret.CaretPosition} Caret position from the node.
	CaretPosition.after = function(node) {
		return new CaretPosition(node.parentNode, nodeIndex(node) + 1);

	 * Creates a caret position from a node and places the offset before it.
	 * @method before
	 * @param {Node} node Node to get caret position from.
	 * @return {tinymce.caret.CaretPosition} Caret position from the node.
	CaretPosition.before = function(node) {
		return new CaretPosition(node.parentNode, nodeIndex(node));

	return CaretPosition;